Revit Architectural Columns vs Revit Structural Columns - IMAGINiT Building Solutions Blog

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With the addition of many Revit Structural elements in to Revit Architecture, what are the differences between the two verions right now?

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There are differences, between Revit Architecture and Revit Structure and how objects behave. A big difference is in Revit Structure analysis, Trusses, Rebar and more. In my next Blog I will put talk about this more.

I wanted comment a bit more on this. From my last blog on intalling Installing Advantage Packs for Revit Architecture. If you install this, in Revit Architecture a Revit Structure tab appears. With this you will get more tools except for Structural Analysis and Reinforcement tools. In Revit Architecture you can now see Metal deck profiles.

if we wanted to use structural columns in architectural plan how to we add cladding to structural

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