Analysis and Visualization in Revit Architecture 2011 - IMAGINiT Building Solutions Blog

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I been doing some rendering in Revit and one of the problems that I encounter is limits of the material library, sometimes the manufacturer provide the image but not the bump of the materials.
The other problem that I have its trying to render a material that contain the color black, like the asphalt pavement, the other is the lack entourage families, there are not that much choices on it.
Do you know any good website in which I can find or download, material library images, peoples, cars, plants an d flower?

Revit does comes with alot of materials, If you are making your own materials or downloading from manufacturer site you can use that same image for a bump map or use photo shop or some other paint program to turn and image to black and white. As far as people, cars, plants and flowers, I use RPC files. You can search for ArchVision RPC and alot of free RPC's or you can buy libraries. If you are looking for 3D families try,there is alot of free content you can download.

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