If you haven't heard yet, the preview version of the AU 2011 class catalog is now available. Take a look at it and see if you can start making plans for what classes you'd like to attend or lobbying for the ability to attend. :) Once again, IMAGINiT will be teaching a number of classes this year - please pardon the self-promotion...
I'll be co-presenting with Lonnie Cumpton and a few others on these classes:
BO4423 - Super Size Me: An Owner's Guide to the Real Cost of a Mega Autodesk® Revit® Project
CM4400-U - Super Size Me: A Guide to Autodesk® Revit® and BIM Management on a MEGA Project
LF4432 - Supersize Me: A Design Professional's Guide to Integrated Design on a Mega Autodesk® Revit® Project
Jeff Bowers from our Richmond, VA office will be presenting AB3725-L, Multiple Discipline Scheduling in Autodesk® Revit®: It’s Possible to Schedule Anything with Revit!
Scott Buchanan (Indianapolis) will be teaching MP5463, Get a Load Outta Autodesk® Revit® MEP
and Ken Flannigan (Dallas) will be teaching MP5672-U, Leveraging an Architect's Model in Autodesk® Revit® MEP
We look forward to seeing you there!