Our goal is to provide relevant information for AEC and facilities management professionals, including posts on building information modeling, facilities management, Autodesk building solutions such as AutoCAD Architecture and Revit, and ARCHIBUS software.
Sherry Pittman from our IMAGINiT support team has started a series of posts on family creation in Revit - great if you are just getting into it or want a quick review of the essential fundamentals. Check out her first post on our support blog here:
Somewhere, somehow, I really want to learn Dynamo.
Vasari has been updated (as per the Autodesk "It's Alive in the Labs" blog:
Automatically Update Export for Solar Radiation
This WIP adds a check box to the Ecotect Solar Radiation tool to allow automatic update of an exported .csv file when analysis results are updated.
Dynamo for Vasari
Build parametric functionality on top of Vasari with a graphical user interface. Autodesk has extended the open source effort of Ian Keough by adding some additional nodes and packaging it in an installer for Vasari to make it easier to get up and running. The download also includes some sample workflows.
The idea behind it is that you can use a digital camera to take pictures of something, load it into this software, and it uses all sorts of black magic and cloud computing to convert these pictures into a real honest to goodness 3D mesh with texture. I used the Labs version to take pictures of a small statue on a co-worker's desk using just the camera on my cell phone and the results were astonishing. You can then take a known dimension on the object to convert it into something that has real size and scale.
But just how accurate is the resulting model? A model generated from nothing more than digital photos.
Well, to help answer that question I thought I'd pass along an article that I recently ran across: