Can all of you stop downloading so I can get my stuff? :) When I go to my Autodesk Subscription site to download the new Building Design Suite software, I see the following notice:
Back in reality now, it's nice to see that there are a lot of people eager to get to their new 2013 software from Autodesk. Come on around to meet with us virtually at our Know It.All. event on May 2nd for some good information on these new products!
In the meantime, make sure you have some fun!
That is what 2am is for.
Posted by: Todd Behning | 04/13/2012 at 10:05 PM
Hooray overnight downloads!
Posted by: Joe Eichenseer | 04/13/2012 at 11:09 PM
How come all I see on your portal in the way of building software is Revit? There are a lot of us using Architecture with no desire to switch to revit. How about throwing us some bones? This protal is pretty much useless to us Architecture users.
Posted by: Douglas Hogan | 05/02/2012 at 09:42 AM
What type of information would you like to see there? We have existing white papers on the portal that discuss installation, license management, and command aliases, but certainly there can be more. If you have the additional access to the eLearning section of the portal we also have a wealth of learning available for both plain AutoCAD and AutoCAD Architecture.
Let us know what type of information you'd like to see and we can me the portal better for you!
Posted by: Joe Eichenseer | 05/02/2012 at 12:33 PM