Hi everyone,
We’re here at Autodesk University 2013 (#AU2013) in Las Vegas! If you didn’t get a chance to make it to AU this year, don’t worry, because we'd like to share some highlights from our building team in this video blog update.
One of the best things about AU this year, and every year, is simply the vast amount of knowledge being shared inside and outside the classrooms. Not only are several IMAGINiT experts leading classes, but we’re also taking the opportunity to speak to Autodesk experts about different pieces of Autodesk software. I'm particularly intrigued with Autodesk 360.
We’ve been able to meet with a lot of our clients on the exhibit floor and have had some ad-hoc meetings as well. In those meetings I’ve had the chance to talk to people about our new release of Clarity for Revit Server 2014.1. We’ve dramatically increased collaboration between all members of the BIM team, expanded the popular task automation options and made numerous other enhancements as well. For more information, check out the new features here or the Clarity webpage here.
If you were at AU, I hope we had a chance to meet - if not, I hope you have an opportunity to attend next year!
Have Fun!