Here's a guest post from Carl Storms out of our Calgary office:
On January 14th, 2014 Autodesk released their first BIM 360 Glue update of the year. Well this in of itself is not a surprise as Autodesk tries to push out an update for this cloud based software every 2 – 3 weeks (or at least monthly). The bulk of this particular update is the standard bug fixes and usability improvements. You can see the full list of the updates here.
However the part of the update that caught my eye was the “Homework” required before the next update can be installed. Autodesk is updating the software to require the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 before it will run.
They do provide a direct link to the download location for the latest version of the .NET 4.5. so as far as homework goes this is pretty easy.
Enjoy your homework!