By Renu Muthoo
I know many of you are waiting for our latest learning guide on AutoCAD Electrical 2019 software. I am pleased to announce that ASCENT’s AutoCAD Electrical 2019: Fundamentals with NFPA Standards learning guide is now available for you to start teaching and learning from. This year, in addition to incorporating the regular updates, one major change to the learning guide is the redesign of a practice in Chapter 10: Symbol Creation. I have replaced the Footprint Database practice with a new practice to incorporate a real-world example from the Electrical industry which both the Instructors and students will relate to. Now the practice flows better with respect to the rest of practices in the above mentioned chapter.
Footprint Database practice:
In Chapter 10 of the learning guide, in Practice 10 e: Footprint Database, you will learn to add a new component to the BOM database. You will also create a new footprint and add the footprint block link to the Footprint database. Finally, you will add the power supply footprints over a DIN rail, as shown in the illustration below.
A summarized version of the various tasks and steps in the practice are provided below.
Add a new record to BOM Database
- Add a PHOENIX CONTACT, SINGLE PHASE DIN RAIL POWER SUPPLY with a 0.75 A, 24VDC rating into the Catalog Browser.
2. It will be displayed in the BOM, where you can check it.
Create Footprint Symbol
- Draw the symbol and add attributes to it in the Block Editor.
2. Set the path to save the symbol to the appropriate folder.
3. Save the symbol.
Add Record to the Footprint Database
2. Add the footprint record into the database.
Insert DIN Rail
- Insert an AB, 199-DR1 Din rail.
Insert Power Supplies
- Insert the power supplies over the DIN rail.
The step by step detailed instructions for the Footprint Database practice have been provided in Chapter 10: Symbol Creation of the AutoCAD Electrical 2019: Fundamentals with NFPA Standards learning guide. Hope you will enjoy the updated learning guide and find the newly incorporated practice relevant to the current industry standards.