by Barb Nash
Quizzes and Gamification (one of the 7 Components to Consider to Make the Most of PLM eLearning) not only provide a way to evaluate training effectiveness, they can provide your learners with added confidence regarding their skills and of the capabilities of the PLM software. This blog post presents quiz and gamification ideas to consider when planning your PLM training.
Quiz questions in the format of Multiple Choice, True/False, Fill-in-the-Blank, Matching, Sequencing, and Hotspots (learner selects locations on the screen in response to the question) are effective to test the learner’s knowledge of the concepts taught and help with knowledge retention. They can also be very engaging and interactive due to the dragging and dropping nature available. Traditionally quiz questions have been presented at the end of a module or chapter. When uploaded into your Learning Management System (LMS), a learner’s progress can be tracked and completion recorded. A minimum passing score can be set with learners being asked to retake a quiz if that minimum score is not achieved. A Sequencing example question is shown below.
Knowledge Checks or self-checks are like quiz questions but how the learner is evaluated can vary. With Knowledge Checks, if the response is answered incorrectly, a hint or correct answer can be provided so that the learner can move on in the module or to the next question. The learner can still be given the choice to review and/or retake the quiz to confirm their understanding of the concepts. Incorporating Knowledge Checks throughout an eLearning module immediately after the concept is taught, is also an option. An example of an incorrect Knowledge Check response is shown in the image below.
Incorporating games into your PLM eLearning modules can provide added interaction as well as an additional fun factor while testing a learner’s knowledge. Games such as Jeopardy, Family Feud, and Memory Games are a few examples. For applying the knowledge and skills learned, games that include challenges, scoreboards, and achievements can also be set up. Below is an example game within an eLearning module.
Existing company Intranets or SharePoint sites can also be used to leverage the modular nature of quizzes outside of the eLearning module or LMS. This way the quizzes can reside in one location along with PLM software updates and best practices information, for review and sharing purposes. In fact, the SharePoint communication site functionality also includes the ability to create quizzes. Besides the default SharePoint site content being mobile-friendly and easy to share, the content can also be rated. Since a learner’s username and password authentication is handled by SharePoint, Reports and Leaderboards can be set up for communicating metrics, quiz results, and for team-building purposes.
Although there is some team interaction when sharing content within an Intranet, the idea of getting the team together physically or virtually can be even more rewarding for sharing of knowledge and having fun while also building trust and morale. These sessions could be held in a Lunch and Learn forum or at Team-building events in a table quiz format, for example. Smartphones can also be used to facilitate all the action!
In summary, without a way to review concepts taught, or assess a learner’s knowledge, it can be difficult to accurately evaluate the effectiveness of PLM training initiatives. Incorporating the idea of quizzes and games can help if planned well with your learners' preferences and company's culture in mind!