If your firm has been considering purchasing reality capture equipment, but you’ve been deterred by the size and price of the hardware. The new Leica BLK360 scanner changes the game and makes reality capture more accessible than ever before.
While the BLK360 is compact – about the size of a soda can, it provides impressive accuracy such as:
- Gathers 360,000 points per second with selectable resolution settings.
- Offers a range of 60 meters with 4 mm accuracy.
- The BLK360 not only has a LiDAR sensor, it also includes infrared sensors which enable thermal imaging and 360 degree cameras.
Excitement about this new scanner is growing – and due to high levels of pre-orders, scanners are expected to ship this August.
Gathering and using data from the BLK360 scanner couldn’t be easier. Autodesk’s ReCap 360 Pro Mobile edition serves as the controller for the scanner. It runs on an iPad and registers scans in real-time. The resulting data can be transferred easily to any Autodesk software or uploaded to Autodesk’s cloud services for sharing.
Learn more about the Leica BLK360.
On May 5, IMAGINiT is hosting a free overview webcast about this exciting new scanner. Save your seat now.
To help customers get up to speed on Leica BLK360 and Autodesk ReCap 360, we also offer a service called BLK360 SmartStart. The BLK360 SmartStart educates field and office personnel on set up of the scanner, best practices for field collection, the ReCap360 mobile interface, and more.