Randy McCollum | Applications Expert
One of the main advantages of using Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis (aside from it is included with Civil 3D) is the fact that it works natively with Civil 3D. As such, changes made to one can be imported to the other bi-directionally. But to take advantage of this functionality, our import and export settings must first be configured.
Here is an example of a simple storm pipe network in Civil 3D including several catch basins flowing to a trunk line composed of drainage manholes.
The pipe network itself consists of varying sizes of circular concrete pipes. Each catch basin and manhole are 24” x 24” Rectangular Structures and 48” diameter Eccentric Manholes with 24” frames, respectively. We also have one flared end section at the outlet.
Before exporting the network, we need to configure our import and export settings. This is done from the Toolspace>Settings tab, highlighting Pipe Network and right-clicking. This will display the Edit Feature Settings command.
From the Edit Feature Settings – Pipe Network Window, left-click inside the Value field to the right of Part Matching Defaults to display the editing ellipsis button and click on this to open the Part Matchup Settings. Make sure that the parts list selected is the same as the parts list assigned to the pipe network being exported.
Within the Part Matchup Settings window there are two tabs: Import and Export. The Import settings define how parts from Storm and Sanitary Analysis will be converted to valid Civil 3D Pipe Network parts. Export converts these Pipe Network parts into valid SSA parts.
Once we have chosen the settings that we need, we can either go to the Analyze tab and click Edit in Storm in Sanitary Analysis or export the file directly as a Storm Sewer File. To do the latter, go to the Output tab in Civil 3D and click Export to Storm Sewers. Save this file to a temporary location.
Open Storm and Sanitary Analysis. From the File menu, go to Import and import the Hydraflow Storm Sewers File that was just exported from Civil 3D.
After checking the log file to ensure that no errors occurred, we can see that the structure type that we selected in exports settings reflects the one we chose in our Export Settings as do the pipes and their respective sizes.
After performing our analysis in SSA, we will likely need to make a few changes to pipe sizes, inverts, etc. Once we make these changes and get a working model, we can get the changes back into our Civil 3D Pipe Network by simply reversing the process.
In Storm and Sanitary Analysis, go to File>Export>Hydraflow Storm Sewers File
Return to the Civil 3D drawing that contains the original network. On the Insert tab, on the Import panel, click on Storm Sewers to import this file.
If done correctly, we will see a pop-up asking whether we wish to update the existing network or import it as a new network. Chose the Update option and our changes made in SSA will be reflected in Civil 3D according to the import settings from our part matching defaults.
Importing and Exporting Pipe Networks IS PART OF Civil 3D 2019 OR
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Posted by: Steve s Kamash | 05/18/2019 at 10:48 AM
Steve, Autodesk's Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA) software is included with Civil 3D and can be launched from within Civil 3D itself.
Posted by: Kevin Breslin | 08/05/2019 at 07:48 AM
Here is my simple question:
Importing the .stm file into C3D, will you be able to display the design flow in your C3D long-section?
Posted by: Jano | 11/12/2019 at 10:19 PM
Can you display the design flow in your C3D long-section after you import the .stm file?
Posted by: Jano | 11/12/2019 at 10:23 PM
I assume by long-section you are referring to the profile view. In which case, yes and no. The energy and hydraulic grade lines for your design storm event are imported with the STM file in Civil 3D and can be displayed on the profile view. SSA will calculate the design flow, but design flow does not have a placeholder in Civil 3D and you would have to type that value into the drawing.
Posted by: Randy McCollum | 11/14/2019 at 10:07 AM
Hi Randy/Kevin
Great tutorial. Have you ever tried exporting from C3D to SSA and back again, but with several Part Familys in the Parts list and network that you are working with?
I'm working through this scenario at the moment. While going from C3D to SSA works well, importing the updated diameters back into C3D does not correctly capture the pipe diameters from the SSA model, and infact some pipes alter to a different part family in C3D, when the new pipe is present in the original part family!
I'm not sure if pipe rules would come into play with this?
I note in your screen shot of the part matchup settings, that on the 'importing pipes' circular pipes parameter, you have 'concrete pipe' selected.
In my case, I have 2 types of pipe in the network, e.g. concrete pipe for dia >=400mm, but say PE pipe for dia <400mm in my network.
Would love to hear your experiences with this scenario of handling multiple part families!
Best Regards
Posted by: Robert George | 01/23/2020 at 02:11 PM
Because there is no such thing as pipe “material” in SSA, pipes must either be allowed to change to the default pipe type (EG. “Concrete Pipe” as you mentioned) by selecting “Yes” in the Allow Part Family Swapping field. If you set this to “No”, it will not change the pipe material previously was exported from Civil 3D, but it will update the pipe diameter to the closest pipe size of that material.
Posted by: Randy McCollum | 01/24/2020 at 02:18 PM