Embedded within the Autodesk CFD software is the ability to define a heatsink as a subcomponent of your design. The heat sink module has been developed using well know heat transfer formulas for different style heatsinks that can be found in advanced heat transfer engineering text. (REF 1, REF 2)
It may be useful in some cases to directly model the heatsink geometry itself as shown in this image. Many projects and design studies have been performed in such a manner. The image below shows pin fins modeled geometrically and with flow and heat transfer simulated using Autodesk CFD. Model results showed that using the k-epsilon turbulence model with Advection Scheme 1, the results were very close to expected based on hand calculations and empirical data.
Despite the robust capabilities of the Autodesk CFD software, in some instances it may be advantageous to reduce the model to a more simple approach. This can be done in Autodesk CFD using the “Heat Sink” module. An embedded model that can be signed as a material property to a rectangular cube that is embedded in the geometry. The only requirements to setup such a module is to have a sufficient volume of fluid at the entry plane and exit plane of the geometry, and the heatsink be fully immersed in the flow.
It is necessary to define the “approach surface” or the direction the flow will enter the heat exchanger, as well as the base surface, or the surface side on which the physical base of the heat sink will be located and surface touching the object that is being cooled.
Once the material has been defined as a heat sink, switching the database to the default customized material database, “My Materials” is the next step. This allows the user to define the parameters and characteristics of the heat sink they will be including in the simulation.
The next step is to define the base thickness as well as the material thermal conductivity. In this example a typical .1” or approximately 2.5 mm was used. A thermal conductivity of Aluminum 6061-T6 was used as well being a standard Aluminum Alloy that is easily machined.
Once these parameters have been defined, the next step is to select the type of heat sink you would like to use. There are several options. The options include, offset strip, pin fin in-line, pin-fin staggered, and microchannel. The microchannel may also be thought of as mini-channel rectangular straight-fin heat sink. The ability to accurately and effectively model a large variety of heat sinks with only a small number of resources being used by the software is very effective and adds value by reducing the complexity and size of the model.
Utilizing the embedded heatsink module within Autodesk CFD provides the ability to accurately model heatsink performance saving valuable engineering time and resources. This module within the software provides significantly value to the CFD user.
1) “Convection Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition”, Bejan, A., Wiley Interscience, NY, 1995. Ch7, pp. 326-331.
2) “Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment”, Steinberg, D.S., Wiley Interscience, NY, 1991. Ch 6.
3) “Compact Heat Exchangers, 3d Ed.”, Kays, W.M.; London, A.L., Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar, FL, 1998.
4) “Electronics Cooling Quick Start Tutorial”, Autodesk.com, 2015. http://help.autodesk.com/view/SCDSE/2014/ENU/?guid=GUID-F9435F15-8684-4FD5-A329-E6EC8B45B640
5) “Error: "GBI File: Unable to write mesh data file" in Simulation CFD”, Discussion on Heat Sink Materials setup, Autodesk.com, Dec 09 2014. http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/cfd/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Error-GBI-File-Unable-to-write-mesh-data-file-in-Simulation-CFD.html
6) “Optimization of pin-fin heat sinks using entropy generation minimization”, Khan, W.A.; Culham, J.R.; Yovanovich, M.M., Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, 2004. ITHERM '04. The Ninth Intersociety Conference, 2004, Pages: 259 - 267 Vol.1, DOI: 10.1109/ITHERM.2004.1319183
7) http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/cfd/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2015/ENU/SimCFD-Learning/files/GUID-AA06A2FE-065E-44CD-A43C-B4C167BF6A28-htm.html
8) http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/cfd/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/SimCFD-UsersGuide/files/GUID-8A3028B0-1ECB-4EE8-832F-FD165C6B3167-htm.html