By: Tyler Griffin
When creating a copy geometry in Creo, it is easy to end up with components that are offset from their default coordinate systems, like the one shown below.
To avoid this, you can either place the part in the location you want in the assembly before using a copy geometry (setting up a coordinate system to assemble to in the skeleton model is a good way to do this), or while creating the copy geometry within the part, you can setup the placement.
First create a coordinate system within the skeleton model (or whatever external component you are referencing for the copy geometry). This coordinate system should be where you would like the default coordinate system of your part to be located relative to the geometry. Next, start the creation of a copy geometry in a part.
Then click the open icon and select the file you would like to copy geometry from. At this point the following menu will appear:
If you leave it as is using the default placement method, it will align the default coordinate system of the component you are referencing and the default component of the part you are copying to. This is how you can end up with your copy geometry offset from your default coordinate system in the part, so change it to the Coord Sys option
And then select the coordinate system from the external model and the coordinate system from the local model that you would like to align instead. Then select your references and complete your copy geometry. You'll notice that you no longer have that offset within your part, and when you create geometry from the external references it is still located in the correct location within the assembly.
For more assembly tips, check out our Creo Parametric 3.0 Advanced Assembly class!
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