For those of you upgrading to the newer releases of AutoCAD based products, you may be missing some of the dialog boxes you are used to seeing in older releases. Since Autocad has switched to the ribbon format, the tools look different than they did previously. You can switch your workspace to Classic AutoCAD, but even then, some things just don't look the same using the same commands you have in the past.
For example the Hatch command. If you type in Hatch on the command line
it brings the Hatch Creation Tab up on the ribbon as shown below.
If you want to see the old dialog box you need to type in T to access it as shown below
And you get the dialog box you are used to seeing
For other tools like Group or Array, there is no change to the ribbon, but
depending on how you enter the information on the command line you may get
different options as shown below:
But there is nothing in there that will access the dialog box….but don’t despair…there
are “CLASSIC” commands.
If you type in ARRAYCLASSIC on the command line you get the array dialog box
And CLASSICGROUP gives you the group dialog box
Type in CLASSIC on the command line to see what other commands you can access the dialog boxes for: