When you have a command line that is undocked and you run a command lets say Line as you use the command you have several lines of data the command line is set to one command line so the data is not displayed. When you set CLIPROMPTLINES you get the number of lines you put in (Min 1 - Max 50) this is the number of Ghost lines that appear to show you the data without having to hit F2 to bring up the Text Window or add a number of command lines that will get in the way. These lines appear and then disappear after a bit. This can be very handy if you are working on something that you need to track what you have done on previous lines of the command as you go.
1.) In the command line type CLIPROMPTLINES and select the <Enter> button
2.) type the number of Ghost lines you want (1-50) and select the <Enter> button
The CLIPROMPTLINES variable is set
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