When saving or closing Revit you get a palette or dialog box that pops up and at the top it says "Family". Here is how it will show:
Here are some ways to resolve this issue:
- Make sure your software is up to date: All Revit Updates
- Reset the UIState: Deleting the UIState.dat (C:\Users\"YourUserProfile Folder"\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 20XX
- Verify your video card driver is up to date by using the manufacturers website or Autodesk's Graphics Hardware website.
- If applicable, open up your video cards control center or desktop manager and look through all the settings that are turned on. Test by unchecking some of the functions and then opening Revit to see if the family dialog box pops up still.
- Uninstall any video card control center. There are settings within the desktop manager options that interfere with Revit which in turn makes the family dialog box popup.
- NVIDIA Control Panel - http://www.nvidia.com/object/performance_group.html
- in the control panel under Hydarvision tab->Desktop Manager->"un-check" enable dialog repositioning and apply.
- AMD Control Center - http://www.tomsguide.com/us/catalyst-control-center,review-2012.html
For AMD video card users:
1. open catalyst control center
2.click on AMD firepro
3. click on Hydravision Desktop manger
4. uncheck "enable dialog repositioning" under Dialog control.
5. apply
6. enjoy revit again
Posted by: alex grichenko | 10/03/2014 at 10:35 AM
Thank you Alex Grichenko.
Posted by: Cherise Biddulph | 10/03/2014 at 11:18 AM
That worked.
No need to uninstall the AMD Control Center
Posted by: BC | 11/30/2014 at 01:46 PM
That is good to hear. Thanks for the post.
Posted by: Cherisse | 12/02/2014 at 09:21 AM