After you install you will find that there isn't a way to find the license manager. It isn't on the Start menu and no shortcut icons. Here I'll show you how to access the Reprise License Manager.
We’ll create a desktop shortcut first.
1) Open up Windows Explorer (or File Explorer on Win 8.x) and browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\IMAGINiT Technologies\Reprise License Manager and select “SetupHelper.exe”.
2) Right click on SetupHelper.exe and select “Create Shortcut”.
3) Now, Drag and Drop the shortcut to the desktop. This will get us to where we need to get pretty quickly.
4) Double click the shortcut icon.
5) Select the Service tab and click Website.
6) And that brings up the web interface where you can set it as a “Favorite”
To learn more about the new Reprise License Manager check out our other blogs Here.