For those of you using Revit Server to house your central models, you already know that there is not an actual Revit model on the server, instead, there is a collection of data which makes up the model and support files that hold information related to synchronizing with the model.
Project Folder Contents
If you look at the Projects folder on the machine that you have Revit Server installed on, you will see something similar to below for the models.
Within the modelname.rvt folder you will see the following folders and files
The data directly related to the models geometry, and permissions associated to the file, is in the Data and Permissions subfolders.
The sum of these folders is reported through the Model Size column. The mirrored permissions folder is a read-only replica of the permissions folder. This is maintained to achieve better performance; we can have an unlimited number of reads (far more common than writes) without conflicting with a write.
Everything else counts towards the Support Files column.
Support File Bloat
One of the big contributors is the information saved to the Users_Temp folder. During a sync with central all of the users updates are saved to a temporary holding area until all of the information arrives. If it arrives intact, it is then committed and sent to the central file. If the sync is successful, after it is sent to the model, the temporary information is then deleted and the users folders will be empty.
If the sync fails to receive all of the information, it will not forward it on to the model, so it stays in limbo so to speak, causing bloat in the file from failed syncs. This failure could be related to network latency issues, or it could be that a user killed Revit while it was still working on something.
You may notice that the support file size may briefly increase in size, but it should reduce again after the next successful sync with central which will clean out the temp folders.
Please be aware that if the support file size continues to be a problem, it should be investigated to verify that the issue is not being caused by a network stability issue, or a users Revit practices (i.e. a user had a failed operation and has not re-attempted the operation and SWC to clear out the temp folder).
To reduce the support file size, you will need to save up a new central file over the top of the existing model.
Maintaining the file
As we all know, heavy files are slower files, so maintaining the central files leanness is important.
I have included a blog link with instructions on how to perform maintenance on the central file for a Revit Server model.
Autodesk Article Reference
If maintenance alone does not resolve the issue, it will be necessary to follow the instructions in this Autodesk article: Revit server support files get huge